Khan Academy Dna Replication at Khan Academy

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Khan Academy Dna Replication. Created by efrat the next lesson: Speed and precision of dna replication.

(13) DNA replication and RNA transcription and translation
(13) DNA replication and RNA transcription and translation from

Ролите на днк полимерази и други ензими за репликация. Speed and precision of dna replication. These instructions are stored inside each of your cells, distributed among 46 long structures called chromosomes.

(13) DNA replication and RNA transcription and translation

Sal reflects on the amazing speed and precision with which dna replication takes the next lesson: Sal reflects on the amazing speed and precision with which dna replication takes the next lesson: These chromosomes are made up of thousands of shorter segments of dna, called genes. Leading and lagging strands in dna replication.